About us

My name's Simon & I created South Coast Pictures to work with couples who want to create better wedding photographs than they think is possible for them, all in a natural & relaxed environment.
Whether that's by removing the dislike of having your photo taken, or inspiring you & your confidence to be able to produce some truly amazing & sentimental images that you only thought magazines showed, I'll help guide you every step of the way.
I do this by putting you at ease, straight away. In the build up to your wedding I'll pass over 15 years worth of tips & advice, and our practice shoot allows me to personalise that information, so its exactly what you need. You'll also be 100% comfortable & prepared with the process at all times.
My style is aimed at capturing you as naturally as possible. Sometimes I step back and blend in with the shadows, so you forget the camera's around, other times I'm a bit closer capturing the all the moment & emotion, without being in your face. My favourite approach is to take you to one side for a moment, step back and let you chat, reminisce, or just have a minute to yourselves- that's when the magic happens, and your personality floods through the pictures.
However, there is a couple of things that my style isn't. Firstly, I won't be the class clown. Unless you've said you want to before, I wont randomly suggest crazy things (like picking the bride up, and swinging her around like your on a west end musical)- personally I'm just a little more reserved. Doesn't mean we won't have fun and be creative, but if you're looking for that extreme, then there are other photographers better suited to you.
The second thing I'm not, is a photographer who enjoys the photos being 'left up to you, as you're the expert.' I've done that before & god its boring. It's boring for me shooting the same series of 'nice' but 'safe' images every week, and you find it boring looking through images where your individuality can't shine.
Photography is an art & art is subjective. So not getting involved with your photos, is the quickest way to end up with 'ok!' memories of your special day.
If you're looking for a photographer who gives you complete confidence in being able to create incredible photos you never thought was possible, all within a natural & relaxed environment the drop me a message & I'll be happy to help make that a reality!
Meet The Team

Photo Booth Operative

Photographer & Photo Booth Operative

Photo Booth Operative